About the projectAuthorsAbout the courseRequirements for the course

Course creators of Oneness City Finland


Jatta Rautanen
(Coordinator of YLE's part of the project; Language School and Game)
Marjaana Nambiar
(Functional Planning; Language School)
Susanna Hart
(Language School Content Producer)
Eva Backman
(Graphic Design and Flash Elements)
Timo Heikkinen
(Technical Assistance)


Kirsi Koskelin
(Coordinator of Finn Lectura's part of the project; Sociocultural Material and Library)
Perttola Mika
(Functional Planning)
Leila White
(Grammar material developer)
Anneli Brown
(Phonetics material developer)
Russell Snyder
(Writer of Sociocultural material )
Aino Eerikäinen
(Translator of Phonetics Lab and Editor of Dictionary)
Jari Peurajärvi
(Technical Assistance)